Here's a sampling of the types of stinging insects and nests that I have eradicated from clients' homes.
Part 1: an infestation was discovered
Part 2: Starting to remove the nest
Part 4: Nest fully removed
Stinging insects had set up home in the vents
Relocation of a wasp colony
Yellow jacket nest with queen
Took this out of a client's home
Suited up for safety, removing nests
Spraying 100% natural insectcides eradicate the infestation
Exclusion work done on entire front of this house; no more bugs
Part 1: nasty nest up in the ceiling
Part 3: This is what I pulled from the ceiling
Part 1: Look at that huge nest by their garage
Part 2: Nest fully and safely removed
Part 1: Another nest by a garage corner
Part 2: And another nest completely removed
Hornets got into storage container on deck
Yellow jacket nest with queen and daughter and a Baby nest
Yes, bees do live in the ground
This will grow to be the size of a basketball or larger in a few weeks; it takes a trained professionals' eye to spot it early
More bees that live in the ground
Ants and Wasps are closely related; call a pro who knows them both
A small nasty surprise waiting for you or the cable guy; avoid this problem and call a pro
This little nest had about 20 Yellow Jackets in it. The homeowner found it in his yard and paid the price. A few stings and a trip to the doctor was not worth it!
A true pro will take the extra steps to insure the safety of the public
A homeowner found out the hard way it's better to call a pro than do it yourself; he got 12 stings then his wife picked up the phone
Stains like this are an indicator of wood boring insects; call a pro to inspect your property
Got ants? I can get rid of them without toxic chemicals
Part 1: Pepco needed help
Part 2: the power is back on
You don't want these wasps mating on your property; if they are, call a pro to solve the problem
It takes an experienced pro to deal with these wasps
Some jobs are best left up to professionals
Homeowner now in the hospital; do it yourselfers
Inside wall void above mantle
Found next to an engine in an unused car
Bird nest inside an old hornets nest
Don't let this be your insulation